Thursday 21 April 2011

Act 4 hommmi333zzzz

How do you feel about Mercutio’s death and the exile of Romeo?
Do you think Romeo will find a way to sneak back into Verona?
If so how do you think he will do it?
What do you think of Juliet’s death?
How do you think your cousin Romeo feels about her passing?

Mercutios death…well that’s a sad subject…  I miss dear Mercutio, he was one of my best friends.  Someone that was always there when you needed to be cheered up or needed a break from something stressful.  We had many good times together and I wish they didn’t end so soon.  As for Romeo I think he will find a way back to Verona one way or another…well at least I hope he does ;) I think he will do it by wearing a disguise or maybe he’ll just sneak past everybody with his stealthynessss.  Juliet’s death…wow, I don’t know what to say.  I know that Romeo really really liked her, and the time that we saw her at the party she looked super pretty.  I also think it must be pretty hard on the family to have lost both Tybalt and Juliet…but whatever I’m not really supposed to like the Capulet’s…so I shouldn’t really be mourning over their losses.  Romeo, Romeo I think he is probably bawling his eyes out…even though he shouldn’t be.  He truly liked her, he believed she was “the one”, but she was a Capulet, Capulet = Not a good idea.  Although they would have been fairly cute together J  


  1. Do you honestly think that Romeo returning to Verona would be a wise idea? He is exiled; it is better he stay far away from the walls of Verona.

  2. How did you manage to not get killed when everyone was fighting?

  3. I can't believe Romeo was in love with that pathetic daughter of mine. LOL @ Mercutio's death.

  4. Romeo boy and I have a plan. This will work out in time. But in that time that it is doing the working of the out. You may want to do the taking of the herb? No?

    -Friar Lawrence OUT!

  5. ^ Honey, it's too soon for those comments. I'm going to cry all over.
    And Benvolio, I'll see to it that Romeo dies if he sneaks back.

  6. Of course it's hard on the Capulet family. They lost ME (the coolest, most freakin' awesome person ever to walk the earth)!!! Don't know how they'll live without me.

    Question: Are you going to kill yourself now that you're best friends are gone? Because you might as well....hahahaha
