Monday 4 April 2011

Act 1 yeyee

Romeo’s servants were h8tin’ on each other, sooo I was tryin’ to break up them scrapin’. Tybalt was trying get up in his grill, but Samson, Gregory, and Abraham would have at er’. I almost had this whole fight over with but Tybalt was hating on everyone, he was just looking for a scrap. When the prince came he shut everything down and said nobody could be h8ting on each other in his crib.
Romeo is venting to me about Rosaline and I am so done with that chick, she is doing nothing for Romeo except wreck his game, she’s a nasty beezy. He’s gotta get his head in the game and go for the gold. Rosaline aint going to put out anything, shes a promised virg. Get her outta your head, get in the game, check the hotty’s with bodys ouuuut. Shes going to look like a ugly cow, compared to the hotties out there in Verona. Im going to show Romeo a real woman, not the ugly chick he was scoping before, He hasn’t seen beauties till he see’s the Verona chicks.


  1. You are talking about these beautiful Verona chicks,
    clearly you have not seen how radiant my beauty is.
    I am so hot...
    I am so beautiful...
    I am perfect...

    what were you talking about?

  2. Thanks Broskie. You always have my back. You're my homie for life dawg. Don't know where I'd be without you. Dude, I'm done with Rosa-Who's her face. She's dank. She's a frigid hoe. But This Capulet chick. Oh man. She's hotter than a spicy bean taco with jalepeno hot sauce in a hottub in the sahara desert. 'Nuf said.
    pce bro

  3. You are so full of shit!! You have no idea what you're talking about. I was trying to get up in your grill not Romeo's servants. If the prince hadn't come to break up the fight, you would be dead right now!!! I would have drew my sword to your head. There is no one I would enjoy killing more than you! Your talk of peace is bullshit, its a waste of breath! Get a life! Stop the peace and the love. There is only pain, suffering and hate. I wish all of those on you!

  4. I am glad to have such a nice nephew to help out our son Romeo.

  5. In response to Paris,

    I cannot believe that my fair Juliet is with a boy such as yourself. She is a beautiful young lady and is a perfect match for someone as handsome as you.

    xoxo Nurse

  6. I appreciate you looking out for the boy Benny. You two are growing up so fast. Next thing you know, you'll be getting married.
    PS: Tell your Father he owes me some money.

    -Friar Lawrence OUT!

  7. Ah, the maids in Verona are indeed worth looking at. Should Romeo stop moping, he will indeed see the far more beautiful ladies around all of us.
