Monday 11 April 2011

Act 2 B1tch3zzzz

Romeo is so happy now that he’s with Juliet, thank god Rosaline is gone…stupid h03.  Sick wheels on the climbing of that wall Romeo…I knew you had it in ya, but you coulda told us where you were.  We were lookin for ya all night.  On the other hand I’m so glad you found Juliet, she’s made you so happy and not all depressed like that crazy beezy Rosaline. You still haven’t told me and Mercutio what went down between you and Juliet broski…a lot can happen on a balcony. If your gonna be dramastic… wrap it in plastic yo.  But anyways congrats on your spouse!!!!

Juliet, braskiiiii, you be careful with our Romeo’s lil’ heart now.  We don’t want no more sh1t goin down between our sides. LOL.  It’s all ready pre bad. But maybe this wedding will bring are separate cr1bs together.  You know h8ers gone h8.  It could always change to some quality H to H’s. (Heart to Heart’s) Have you lovers thought about your honeymoon yet?  Maui?  Greece? Bahamas? Spain?  Cuba? Paris... ewww no, not Paris.  ;) So glad you didn’t end up with that Paris dude, I mean I know were not supposed to like eachother here but as long as your married to Romeo I have to watch chor back too and Paris is not the right choice for yaa, he’s a narst sea cow… and he can be married to Rosaline for all I care… J

But Rome-dawg lets chat about this whole shenanigan laterrrrrz.


  1. You do not care that he gave us the slip? He took off after Juliet and left us behind trying to find him! I never cared for Rosaline, but this new girl makes Romeo behave in such a distasteful manner.

  2. Juliet shouldn't go away near you filthy dogs. This is bull. How could the nurse let this happen. Urgh, just urgh. I will fix this...

  3. I definetly argree with your out look on the effect the wedding could take on the town. But I must say I fin dit quite difficult to understand your english. I and also have spent some time pondering your identity. It's a bit confusing. Are you sensitive and dependable; or are you a heartless lady's man. Perhaps you could clear things up for me.

    -Friar Lawrence OUT!

  4. Thanks brah. I love ma wifey. I defs think this could fix tha fued.
    much love homie

  5. Oh the nerve of you, lifting up my skirt, running around me as if I was a child. That is no way to treat a lady. Gain some respect young boy.

  6. Thanks Benny I'm glad youre on our side for this. I think it might help with that fight or make it like way worse. We haven't thought about a honeymoon (we're not really supposed to be married) but thanks for asking! And of course I'll be careful with his heart, aslong as he's carful wih mine ♥

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Ben, I loathe you. Stay out of the Capulet affairs, pr!ck

  9. Should've known Romeo would woo her heart, I need to teach Juliet some standards.
