Thursday 21 April 2011

Act 4 hommmi333zzzz

How do you feel about Mercutio’s death and the exile of Romeo?
Do you think Romeo will find a way to sneak back into Verona?
If so how do you think he will do it?
What do you think of Juliet’s death?
How do you think your cousin Romeo feels about her passing?

Mercutios death…well that’s a sad subject…  I miss dear Mercutio, he was one of my best friends.  Someone that was always there when you needed to be cheered up or needed a break from something stressful.  We had many good times together and I wish they didn’t end so soon.  As for Romeo I think he will find a way back to Verona one way or another…well at least I hope he does ;) I think he will do it by wearing a disguise or maybe he’ll just sneak past everybody with his stealthynessss.  Juliet’s death…wow, I don’t know what to say.  I know that Romeo really really liked her, and the time that we saw her at the party she looked super pretty.  I also think it must be pretty hard on the family to have lost both Tybalt and Juliet…but whatever I’m not really supposed to like the Capulet’s…so I shouldn’t really be mourning over their losses.  Romeo, Romeo I think he is probably bawling his eyes out…even though he shouldn’t be.  He truly liked her, he believed she was “the one”, but she was a Capulet, Capulet = Not a good idea.  Although they would have been fairly cute together J  

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Act 3 Slay1n H03s

I can’t believe Mercutio is dead! Well actually I can… I warned him, I just wish he would have listened.  I pray thee, good Mercutio, let’s retire. The day is hot; the Capulets, abroad; And if we meet we shall not ’scape a brawl, For now, these hot days, is the mad blood stirring”.  I told him, I told him, I told him, but he was just too hard- headed to care.  I knew we would get into a brawl if we saw Tybalt and his gang…and now he’s dead.  The rage was building in me; I tried to get him to at least do it rationally if he had to do it at all but nooooo he had to do in the most public place possible.   “We talk here in the public haunt of men.  Either withdraw unto some private place, And reason coldly of your grievances, Or else depart. Here all eyes gaze on us”.  Why he always had to be the centre of attention? I don’t know, but it sure bit him in the @$$.  Nevertheless I was so so sad when he died… “O Romeo, Romeo, brave Mercutio is dead!  That gallant spirit hath aspired the clouds, Which too untimely here did scorn the earth”.  He was wayyyy to young to die he still had so much living to do…damn Tybalt.  Soooo glad Romeo got him back.  He deserved it; it sucks for Juliet losing a cousin especially if it was Romeo who killed him.  Now Romeo is exiled and I’ve lost both my best friends.  I just wish this whole thing never happened.  L  

Monday 11 April 2011

Act 2 B1tch3zzzz

Romeo is so happy now that he’s with Juliet, thank god Rosaline is gone…stupid h03.  Sick wheels on the climbing of that wall Romeo…I knew you had it in ya, but you coulda told us where you were.  We were lookin for ya all night.  On the other hand I’m so glad you found Juliet, she’s made you so happy and not all depressed like that crazy beezy Rosaline. You still haven’t told me and Mercutio what went down between you and Juliet broski…a lot can happen on a balcony. If your gonna be dramastic… wrap it in plastic yo.  But anyways congrats on your spouse!!!!

Juliet, braskiiiii, you be careful with our Romeo’s lil’ heart now.  We don’t want no more sh1t goin down between our sides. LOL.  It’s all ready pre bad. But maybe this wedding will bring are separate cr1bs together.  You know h8ers gone h8.  It could always change to some quality H to H’s. (Heart to Heart’s) Have you lovers thought about your honeymoon yet?  Maui?  Greece? Bahamas? Spain?  Cuba? Paris... ewww no, not Paris.  ;) So glad you didn’t end up with that Paris dude, I mean I know were not supposed to like eachother here but as long as your married to Romeo I have to watch chor back too and Paris is not the right choice for yaa, he’s a narst sea cow… and he can be married to Rosaline for all I care… J

But Rome-dawg lets chat about this whole shenanigan laterrrrrz.

Monday 4 April 2011

Act 1 yeyee

Romeo’s servants were h8tin’ on each other, sooo I was tryin’ to break up them scrapin’. Tybalt was trying get up in his grill, but Samson, Gregory, and Abraham would have at er’. I almost had this whole fight over with but Tybalt was hating on everyone, he was just looking for a scrap. When the prince came he shut everything down and said nobody could be h8ting on each other in his crib.
Romeo is venting to me about Rosaline and I am so done with that chick, she is doing nothing for Romeo except wreck his game, she’s a nasty beezy. He’s gotta get his head in the game and go for the gold. Rosaline aint going to put out anything, shes a promised virg. Get her outta your head, get in the game, check the hotty’s with bodys ouuuut. Shes going to look like a ugly cow, compared to the hotties out there in Verona. Im going to show Romeo a real woman, not the ugly chick he was scoping before, He hasn’t seen beauties till he see’s the Verona chicks.