Thursday 12 May 2011

Act 5 its 3am in the morning, i put my key in the door.. bodys laying all over the floor- ma booiii emin33mmm.

As Romeo’s cousin/one of his best friends my role was pretty much to be the peacekeeper.  “I do but keep the peace. Put up thy sword, Or manage it to part these men with me.” I wanted to be the peacekeeper, I always have…so I told them to put their swords away or use it to help me stop the fight, not start it.  If I were to not be in this play all hell would break loose.  Mercutio would be starting fights all the time.  He thinks it’s just a game he can play whenever he wants, but that’s beside the point. “An I were so apt to quarrel as thou art, any man should buy the fee simple of my life for an hour and a quarter.”
 Without me there would be no peace. Mercutio is always the one starting these silly fights and I hate fighting. You know what’s important about me? I pretty much like everyone…unless they get in between myself and something I love, or they get in between someone I love and something that person loves.  For example…Paris got in between Romeo and Juliet so I don’t particularly like him.  No offense Paris.